
The wise men followed a star

Christmas, Christmas is that one time of the year where the air is filled with the smells of a burning fire, mulled wine and festive spirit. It's where you gather around a table with loved ones and say your blessings and be thankful for each member of the family that is with you aswell as remembering the ones that no longer are with us...well that's what it is like in my family at least. On top of family appreciation, it's also the time to get dressed up...where there is no such thing as too much sparkle...i'm talking sparkles on your nails, your eyes, your shoes, your bag...you get the jist.
I love sparkles as much as the next person, however sparkles on your nails is a total bugger to get off your nails, no matter how long i sit with tin foil and polish remover on my nails, it never comes off easily. So this year, for my Chistmas nails i thought i would go down a different route...no red, no green no gold, none of the "traditional" Christmas colours....i went for the "humbug" look - i am in no way a bah-humbug however i think these nails look super cute and  i am in love with them.

They took me around 10 minutes to do, which is nothing when it comes to nail art, i have been known to sit for hours painting pretty designs onto my nails (i have way too much time on my hands it would seem!) All i used to create these nails were : a basecoat, twilight blue by avon, pearl nail art pen, top coat.
It was so simple to do, yet i think they look really good. As the pearl comes out as silver with tiny reflects in (that's my take on glitter!) you can see in the reflects in the  pictures. I still feel really Christmassy with these nails. Although, i do have a seven hour coach trip home on Christmas Eve so i may repaint my nails with a different design. How are you wearing your nails during the Festive holidays?


  1. Lovely nails!!

    Kisses Anne


  2. Those are lovely! x

  3. love these nails!
    laur x


  4. LOVE THIS!!! Going to attempt to do this tonight :) xx

  5. @anne: Thanks sweetie xx

    @ife: Thank you so much xx

    @Laurdows: thank you laur xx

    @Charli: Aww thanks huni...they are sooo simple to do xx


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